This was the first Saturday practice of the season, and due to miscommunications and poor memory a bunch of people forgot to bring a lunch today. For those who don't know, while dinner is provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on Saturdays you bring your own lunch. Anyway, actual programming things that happened today:
- Shooter PID (Us): We finished the PID code, and committed it, after struggling with the Smart Dashboard code for a while. As it turns out, RobotContainer is annoying but also made it so we didn't have to spend half an hour making functions that it turns out don't work that way because RobotContainer doesn't have individualised teleop bits.
- Auto-Fire Math (Serena, Zack, Rowan): Serena worked on and finished the Auto-Aim, theoretically at least, as it has yet to be tested. Zack helped with the math.
- Limelight Stuff (Rowan, Davey, Zack): Zack worked some on trying to use machine learning combined with the limelights to recognize images the robot sees. Zack also did a lot of research on limelights, image recognition, and the PixyCam. Davey also did things with limelights, but left early.
- Climber stuff (Us again): We worked on making our second subsystem of the season, a climber. The physical design hasn't quite been finished, but we had enough information to make a sequential command group, and bind it to a button.
- Swerve Drive(Rowan): Rowan tried to fix this, because it wasn't working. The PID had been wrong, and was actually auto correcting to the worst possible place instead of the best.
To practice on Saturday, you should bring a lunch, for eating and thinking, and eating chips that crunch. But if you should not, feel no despair, for with stores of food from the closet, the mentors will be there.