Things that happened today:
- Mass Computer Updating (Xiaohan and Serena): All of the computers needed to be updated to VS Code version 2024.3.2. These two took the lead.
- Motion Magic (Griffin, Augie, Serena): We worked on improving our PID Indexer intake, by making some motion code, and then using Phoenix Tuner X, one note, and the comp bott find the static friction value, and other variables we needed
- Lux Underglow (Davey): Davey worked on coding light colors and patterns, to begin the creation of our new Reactive Underlights.
- Note Alignment (Rowan, Zach): These two made a command to automatically align collected notes within the intake. This will make all associated things more precise and reliable. Logging Work (Zack): Work on the logging system is continuing.
- Design Document (Serena): Serena thought a online app would be useful for scouting, as our previous method(Google Forms) wasn't good enough to keep up with the match. She worked on the app, and learned how to make it for much of the practice.
Build took the robot.