Hello again. This is the last proper week of build season. We have practice tomorrow and Thursday to get everything done, week 0 is on Saturday, then it's just Tuesday and then Duluth. Orpheus and Euridyce should be ready by then.
- Intake Testing (Xiaohan, Rowan): One of the intake motors burned out and needed to be replaced. We tested it to make sure. Then later in the day the offsets needed to be altered again.
- Climber Work (Rowan, Serena): A lot of testing was done on the climber limits. It was also made faster.
- Logging Tests (Serena, Me): Serena set up a system to let us log all of the motor data, and I did a very brief test towards the end of practice.
- Auto Work (Me, Zach, Rowan, Xiaohan): Zach and I worked on autonomous stuff. Specifically updating the autos because we learned that they couldn't just use the default commands. So we needed to make sure that every single auto turned on the intake and shooter and had shoot commands in the proper places. Zach dealt with a lot of it. Then most of the autos were actually tested
- Bumper Work (Griffin, Davey): These two went to go work on bumpers for today due to lack of things to do.
It appears that despite my sucessors, I shall be making most blog posts for a while longer. For I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.
(Sleep in this context means graduating and thus leaving the team.)