There are two authors again now! Things that happened today include:
- Limelight Work (Us Two): We worked on some code on the limelight. It took three created files, four modified files, one deleterd file, and we still don't have it done.
- NEO Stuff (Yours Truly TM): WE love issues. Issues start with "I" and I don't like the fact that I have to solve problems I create :/ Oddly enough though, it's not too bad given the state of the robot. The NEOs were not showing up and it wanted to update and issue after issue but it resolved itself. The NEOs were then hooded up to a cool prototype but I had the NEOs running at .05 speed and then they were like "Lets go faster!" and so I cranked it up to 0.7 and it almost broke the prototype... SO we're still gonna play with that number.
- Skiplow Subcommand (Mowi): Making a command to run the skiplow.
- Endeffector Skeleton (Rowan): Starting the skeleton for the endeffector. We don't know what it's going to be yet.
- Swerve Stuff (Captain 23): Swerve calibration was attempted. It didn't work.
Next time, Limelight! NEXT TIME!