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· One min read

Nothing special today. Things that did happen:

  • Shooter Ramp-Up Adjustments (Rowan, Me, Griffin): The rev-up code was altered to make it faster. This was accomplished by making it spin at full speed until the shooter RPS went over the target RPS, then switching to the PID loop.
  • Manual Climber (Zack, Davey): The climber got a manual mode controlled by the operator controller joysticks.
  • Intake Adjustments (Rowan, Serena): The intake was adjusted to match the robot speed.

We also partially planned the schedule for 10K lakes/Minneapolis/Williams.

· One min read

We had practice today because yesterday was snowy, and all was canceled.

  • Illumination (Augie, Serena): These two worked on our indicator lights.
  • Controller Map (Me): I made a new slide for our new Driver and Co-Driver Maps.
  • Climber Arms (Serena): Serena worked on making arm controls the way the drive team wanted.
  • Amp Shot(Zach and Xiaohan): These two worked on testing our Amp Shot, and doing Drive Team things.

Here's tonights joke: Why don't rats breath fire?... A: Because if they did, they would suffocate.

· One min read

We spent the first chunk of practice working on autoaim and auto pickup. As the robot can do almost everything automatically now, I thought the title was appropriate.

  • Autoaim work (Rowan, Me, Serena): The morning was speant testing various equations for the autoaim. This involved both Desmos and a spreadsheet.
  • Autopickup work (Zach, Rowan): The afternoon before most of the group left for the practice field was spent trying to get the autopickup to be more accurate, and only go for the closest note.
  • Field Disassembly (Me, Davey, Griffin): The field at Great River finally needed to be put back in the closet.
  • Photonvision research (Davey, Griffin): People looked into cameras that won't break our budget.

· One min read

Today there were confrences at GRS. We got kicked out of our room. Not much happened.

  • Math clean up (Serena and Augie): With Evan's help, they worked on making a sepreate subsystem for the shooter math.
  • PhotonVision (Me): I looked up stuff on PhotonVision and found out that it would not be super effective to use it because we would have to get reid of our limelights and make our own. So not cool
  • Auto testing (Serena, Zack, and Rowan): I don't really know what to write here, it's pretty self explanitory.
  • Reading drivetrain code (Augie): Augie checked for errors and unessary code.

We talked a lot bout mario 64 and whomps. I really like whomps. The sound the make ("RRGH") is wonderful.

· One min read

We had an open house today during the last chunk of practice. This required an earlier dinner than usual. 50% of programming was in the gym getting the robot working. Nothing much else of import happened.

  • Updating (All present): We made sure that all of the computers were updated with the latest WPIlib, Phoenix Tuner X, and Pathplanner versions.
  • Logging (Zach, Serena): More work was done on data logging, specifically the drivetrain current.
  • Fighting with Git (Me, Evan [M]): I fought with Git because of commit issues with the pathplanner stuff.

Too tired to be funny.

· One min read

The plan was for the team to be in three places at once today. Ops at the practice field, the drive teams at a mini-tournament called Shamrock Showdown, and the rest of the team at the shop. Then someone enabled the robot while the controllers were still in their holders, it drove itself off a table, and now we have zero functional robots. On a lighter note, here's what programming did today:

  • Auto Work (Me, Rowan, Griffin): We made a bunch more paths and autos. The newest ones are three/four notes with automatic pickup.
  • Radio Testing (Serena, Jason [M]): There were some communication issues during the Shamrock Showdown, and a lot of time was spent trying to diagnose and fix the issues. It turned out to just be firewall problems.
  • Side Intake Stuff (Serena, Xiaohan): We might be getting side wheels to improve the intake, so these two made code for that.
  • Code Cleanup (Me, Griffin): Our code has gotten messy over the past while, so we needed to fix it. Griffin did camelcase stuff, I removed obsolete items from Pathplanner.

Productive, but not as planned.

· One min read

Things that happened today:

  • Mass Computer Updating (Xiaohan and Serena): All of the computers needed to be updated to VS Code version 2024.3.2. These two took the lead.
  • Motion Magic (Griffin, Augie, Serena): We worked on improving our PID Indexer intake, by making some motion code, and then using Phoenix Tuner X, one note, and the comp bott find the static friction value, and other variables we needed
  • Lux Underglow (Davey): Davey worked on coding light colors and patterns, to begin the creation of our new Reactive Underlights.
  • Note Alignment (Rowan, Zach): These two made a command to automatically align collected notes within the intake. This will make all associated things more precise and reliable. Logging Work (Zack): Work on the logging system is continuing.
  • Design Document (Serena): Serena thought a online app would be useful for scouting, as our previous method(Google Forms) wasn't good enough to keep up with the match. She worked on the app, and learned how to make it for much of the practice.

Build took the robot.

· 2 min read

I took the ACT today and am tired. Things that happened today:

  • Robot Testing (Xiaohan, Rowan, Griffin, Zach, Serena, and I): There was a lot of testing on the comp bot today. The first things to do were to make sure the intake was working and deal with a wheel issue. The wheel issue, as far as I can tell, is that one of the wheels is incosistently moving with the opposite speed and direction to the other three wheels. This is bad for a variety of reasons. Griffin's job was to deploy Duluth code we knew was consistent when the the motor went wrong. There was a lot of Phoenix Tuner testing and comparing motor speeds. We eventually discovered that the Back Right Motor Encoder was broken so thoroughly that it was drawing 18 amps to run at something like 0.1 meters per second. For comparison, a working motor takes 1 amp to run at 1 meter per second. Build had to replace the entire motor. After dinner we had access to the gym. The first test was the intake again. One of the first discoveries was that the best results were from driving backwards at low speeds. Driving forwards could hold the note but not fully intake it, and collection at high speeds was difficult. Next we tested move meters. It worked. Then we tried doing amp shots. This did not work.
  • Move Meters Command (Davey, Serena): These two created a command that takes a bunch of fancy math stuff and some speeds and lets us set a very specific amount of meters to move the robot.
  • Return of an Old Friend (Rowan, Zach): Captain 23 once again saved our asses by adjusting our limelight code to use a new and more reliable library.
  • Indexer Backup (Zach): We were having some issues with the note being moved too far forwards. The quick-fix was to add a button to run the intake backwards.
  • Data Logging (Griffin): Griffin worked on the data logging project. There is now completed code for the intake and Robot Container.

That's all for tonight.

· One min read

Not a lot was done today.

  • Practice field (Xiohan, Zack, Rowan, Serena): I assume they are testing autos and other new code. As I am not there I do not know for sure what is going on.
  • Programming room (Augie and I): We worked on ground pick up that turned out to be not nessacary and deleted and redid our work a lot of times. Then we deleted unused branches.
  • Morning work (Serena and Zack): This morning it was Serena in charge because Rowan was at a bar mitzvah. So Serena and Zack worked on auto aligning for the shooted and other auto stuff.

I had a headache and the team celebrated Liam and Levi's birthdays.

· One min read

We have returned from competition, and spent the first chunk of practice debriefing. Our current goals are, in order of priority:

  1. Fix the power managment so that we stop browning out in the middle of matches.
  2. Improve odometry.
  3. Make scoring in the amp more reliable.
  4. Make more autos, including at least one three-note auto.
  5. Make the lights work (partially contingent on Build attaching them).
  6. Improve the data log system to collect even more data.
  7. Make the robot able to shoot accurately while moving.
  8. Make the robot able to shoot accurately at extreme ranges.
  9. Shoot into the trap.

Anyway, things that acutally happened today:

  • Code Review (Rowan, Me, Davey, Serena, Zach): Rowan went over the entire robot code to make sure that everyone was up to speed.
  • Duluth Code Merging (Rowan): The Duluth code (with some alterations) was commited to main.

The title is a pun.