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One post tagged with "bag day"

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· 2 min read

This blog post has two sections. The first is written by "[REDACTED]", and covers some of the events prior to the extended bag day section of practice. The second is by Yours Truly™, and covers the events of the latter half of practice. Things that happened earlier:

  • Pneumatics testing (me): I spent the morning helping Build test pneumatics by enabling the robot. After a few instances of accidentally pressing spacebar and e-stopping the robot, I just left a laptop with build.
  • Skiplow solenoid adjustment (me): I adjusted the skiplow from the existing double-solenoid system to singe solenoids, as well as allowing the left and right arms to move independently.
  • Limelight coordinate testing (Yours Truly™ and Captain 23): Yours Truly™ and Captain 23 spent most of practice working on turning the limelight coordinates into something usable. I will let Yours Truly™ describe it in more detail.
  • Swerve Preferences (New Trio): The new trio named all the swerve modules. This means that it's easier to trade out modules if/when they break, because then each module can simply be assigned as front left/front right/back left/back right.

Apologies, I have to leave now.

Yours Truly™

HAHAHAHAHAAAA I stayed past the 4:00 time and Oh boy did not much more get done.

We wrapped up the rest of the work, I continued working on the limelight, the whole lining up this is really cool. Rowan also worked on lights, but they weren't working by the end of the night so who knows how thats gonna go, but I have high hopes. Actually, the idea for lights this year is kinda cool with our lights being in a yellow triangle for cones and a purple square for cubes. I'm kinda excited for how this one is gonna go! :) besides that, the Swerve tuning got done-ish and some more planning (For when we get the robot) got done. I had to leave at 8:30 and the robot was not even done at the time. I'm writing this currently as an afterthought and I was what, 15 minutes early? The robot got done at 8:45 and we await the robot on Valentines day!