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5 posts tagged with "test"

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· 2 min read

Oddly enough Augie, I did decide to make a Thrusday blog. It's almost routine at this point, and honestly, it should be.

The main focus of today are the 2 TEST robots, the big day is looming around the corner! It's our first big thursday practice, so that's really fun. The first half of practice was working out any kinks in the code and writing some encoder code on the fly (half of which we didn't need). Both TORBS and Griffons spent the beginning of practice polishing up the not-yet-touched-the-robot code.

One the 2nd half of practice came along however (aka post dinner), things really started to get in gear. From the moment we came back from dinner, the robots were put into programming session mode. TORBS and Grifons each split and had what can be essentially be called a workout session. Screams of pain and agony and people being hurt (not actually) but you know how it can be

TORBS gameplan - Characterization and Feed Forward loops! How crazy! This is getting a little too close to PID tuning Captain 23...

Griffons gameplan - Encoders, Encoders, and Limit switches. There's only so much more fine tuning to do. This is also getting close to PID Tuning

Rating? Too stressful but really fun, no numbers today! (There might be a Friday practice)

· One min read

It's TEST week 8, and we finally have things working. This will be the last post before the competition, unless Yours Truly™ decides to make a post on Thursday.

All of us experienced programmers spent most of practice trying to get the robots running. Each group (Captain 23 and Quinn for Torbs, Act of Liam, Yours Truly™, and I for Griffins) encountered many errors and trials, but the robots are mostly functional. The Torbs 'bot is moving, the Griffins 'bot needs some testing, but I think I fixed the bugs. Act of Liam wouldn't let us test without a limit swtich.

That was not all that happened during practice. I spent the first chunk trying to fix an error in Github/Gitbash and making a button map. Yours Truly™ helped the new students out. The others just worked on code for the robots.

The newbies are doing well. Rowan tried to learn command-based programming, which he apparently doesn't understand. Mowi messed around with motors. CornerGremlin made a motor spin and Java 'yell at "[her]" for stupid reasons'.

Let's hope that TEST goes well. Overall rating of the day: 7/10.

Across land and sea,

· One min read

It's week 7 of TEST, and the deadline is closing in. Yours Truly™ and I spent practice working on a subsytem for Griffins called Thomas, and there is not a good way to explain what that is. We also spent a lot of time struggling with imports. We can't wait to start testing on the Robot. BUILD.

Quinn finished the Torbs code. He also spent time creating a slideshow to map out the PS4 buttons.

CornerGremlin spent her time organizing the cart. Everything is super neat now. We even found the TV remote in the process!

Captain 23 worked on swerve stuff, and Act of Liam did a little bit of everything.

Mowi learned how to program a controller today. Yay!

Apologies for the lack of content. Closing meeting is soon. Overall rating of the day: 7.5/10.

A desperate Dream, and a fire inside,

· 2 min read

​ Heya! This is week six. ​ Attendance today was lower than usual, we're missing Quinn, Augie, and Ford, but we've got this! There is a lot to do today and even more now that there are less people.

TORBS programming was done by Act of Liam, programming off where the others left off. This includes getting a pseudo subsystem in as well as a bunch of other neat additions. The TORBS team is using a rotating system to get the rings onto the pillars and making sure a motor does what you want it to is always going to be a little bit of an issue.

Not much griffon programming today, there is still a lot of work to do, but we've got it! The things left to to consist of getting the drivetrain actually running as well as setting up a limit switch for the elevator system. I don't think there is too much to do at this point other than to wait for the robot to come!

On the topic of the code learners, there was a lot of learning today! Everyone is starting to get really comforable with the Java basic and its honestly quite amazing. Act of Liam created this long list of them to do with random robot based challanges. This consists of making a drive train, working with smartdash board and so much more.

Captain 23 and some other people now and then made some serious progess on the swerve bot, both before and during practice. There was a good amount of math being done to figure out angles, but the result ended nicely. The robot is now starting to get PID tuned for turning. You can point in a certain direction with the joystic and it just points that way! I am so excited for what is to happen next

Overall rating of the day: 8/10


· One min read

Hello! This is week five.

Act of Liam and Quinn built structure code for the Torb TEST Robot. Their take was 'stuff and things and things and stuff'.

Captain 23 made thew swerve drive work and fixed a bunch of stuff related to it. There was a very long list of things, including wheel calibration, library management, and a bunch of other stuff that I forgot.

The new kids moved on to working on robot boards. They've finally learned about staring at the code trying to find errors when everything should be working perfectly. Yours Truly™'s response was 'Programming!'.

Yours Truly™ and I worked on the Griffins TEST Robot. We got the elevator coded. Probably.

Overall rating of the day: 7/10

but nowhere to hide,