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CRUNCH TIME ("Test Week 8 pt 2")

· 2 min read

Oddly enough Augie, I did decide to make a Thrusday blog. It's almost routine at this point, and honestly, it should be.

The main focus of today are the 2 TEST robots, the big day is looming around the corner! It's our first big thursday practice, so that's really fun. The first half of practice was working out any kinks in the code and writing some encoder code on the fly (half of which we didn't need). Both TORBS and Griffons spent the beginning of practice polishing up the not-yet-touched-the-robot code.

One the 2nd half of practice came along however (aka post dinner), things really started to get in gear. From the moment we came back from dinner, the robots were put into programming session mode. TORBS and Grifons each split and had what can be essentially be called a workout session. Screams of pain and agony and people being hurt (not actually) but you know how it can be

TORBS gameplan - Characterization and Feed Forward loops! How crazy! This is getting a little too close to PID tuning Captain 23...

Griffons gameplan - Encoders, Encoders, and Limit switches. There's only so much more fine tuning to do. This is also getting close to PID Tuning

Rating? Too stressful but really fun, no numbers today! (There might be a Friday practice)