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· One min read

Today the intital driver tryouts occured for the season. They were using Moirai, which has been stripped down to just a drivetrain. I wasn't really involved outside of running batteries down to the gym. Anyway, other things that happened:

  • Intake finishing (Griffin and I): We finished the intake, adding all of the various methods to RobotContainer. In addition, Evan showed us how to make the triggers actually work properly and not throw unsupported exception errors as soon as we turned it on.
  • Limelight work (Xiaohan, Zach, Davey, Griffin, Rowan): We have twin limelight capability now. The plan is to either use one for Apriltag tracking (so the robot knows where it is) and one for a neural net (so it can automatically pick up game peices), or both for Apriltags.
  • Autoaim testing (Rowan, Serena): The autoaim program was going to be tested, but then a drive motor seized up. We are 99% sure it's a motor problem, not a code problem.
  • Angle math (Rowan): Rowan did the math to find the shooter's required angle based on distance.

I need sleep.

· One min read

Hello again. Various things happened today, mostly because we had the robot to work with.

  • Intake work (Me): This was annoying to code. Five motors, multiple potential configurations, design requirements changing MULTIPLE TIMES during production... ugh. This was made marginally easier by not needing a PID loop, but was still pretty difficult. It was also helped when the brush-roller miscommunication stopped.
  • Limelight Work (Xiaohan, Griffin): There was going to be limelight stuff done, but Xiaohan got called away and Griffin didn't have the knowhow.
  • Autoshoot (Serena, Zach): Most of the math is done. In addition, there is a command for rotating the robot with the autoaim.
  • PIXY stuff (Zach): Zach did work with object tracking and a PIXY camera.

So, yeah.

· 2 min read

This was the first Saturday practice of the season, and due to miscommunications and poor memory a bunch of people forgot to bring a lunch today. For those who don't know, while dinner is provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on Saturdays you bring your own lunch. Anyway, actual programming things that happened today:

  • Shooter PID (Us): We finished the PID code, and committed it, after struggling with the Smart Dashboard code for a while. As it turns out, RobotContainer is annoying but also made it so we didn't have to spend half an hour making functions that it turns out don't work that way because RobotContainer doesn't have individualised teleop bits.
  • Auto-Fire Math (Serena, Zack, Rowan): Serena worked on and finished the Auto-Aim, theoretically at least, as it has yet to be tested. Zack helped with the math.
  • Limelight Stuff (Rowan, Davey, Zack): Zack worked some on trying to use machine learning combined with the limelights to recognize images the robot sees. Zack also did a lot of research on limelights, image recognition, and the PixyCam. Davey also did things with limelights, but left early.
  • Climber stuff (Us again): We worked on making our second subsystem of the season, a climber. The physical design hasn't quite been finished, but we had enough information to make a sequential command group, and bind it to a button.
  • Swerve Drive(Rowan): Rowan tried to fix this, because it wasn't working. The PID had been wrong, and was actually auto correcting to the worst possible place instead of the best.

To practice on Saturday, you should bring a lunch, for eating and thinking, and eating chips that crunch. But if you should not, feel no despair, for with stores of food from the closet, the mentors will be there.

· One min read

Today's lesson in programming: read the docs first, don't be overconfident, and CANcoders/Cannivores run on 12-volt power. Anyways, things we did today:

  • PID Controlling (Us + Davey): We began adding PID functionality to our shooter, to keep two motors running at the same speed.
  • Moira Work 2 (Xiaohan, ): Moira was still broken from last time, so they worked on fixing it. It turned out that the CAN network was plugged into the wrong thing, and a few other things needed to be fixed.
  • Projectile Math (Zack, Serena and Rowan): They worked on some of the math needed to get the Auto-Aim working, and ended up learning about Ballistic Physics. They also attempted to figure out the formulas needed for the Aim.

Never forget, always remember: Read the docs, or be at practice till September.

· One min read

Welcome to the new season, we will be here a while. For a description of the game or kickoff, please look elsewhere, this is just a documentation of programming affairs. In addition, there is no blog post for the swerve intensive that happened over winter break because I forgot to write one. So, things we did today:

  • Shooter Subsystem (Us): We wrote a shooter subsystem, with the attached commands, constants, and triggers.
  • Moira Work (Xiaohan, Serena): Moira broke in the process of the swerve instensive, so it had to be fixed. The issue was a simple matter of installing the new RoboRio firmware. In addition, the robot was reconfigured to work with two limelights. Note: Moira is currently the test robot for all of our stuff until the new one is built, as it is basically just a swerve chassis with a limelight.
  • Apriltag Work (Davey, Zach, Griffin): New year, new game, new Apriltags. Davey printed them out, while Zach and Griffin started making a map.
  • Intake work (Serena, Zack): They began construction on the intake subsystem. They did not get very far, as both were called away.

That's all for tonight.

· One min read

Today was a safety training day for the team. Teen safety, not shop safety. But work never stops, so here is the list of things done in programming today:

  • New Student Update (Zack, Griffin, Davey, Serena(?)): The new students have code on the Minne Trials robot that functions. They spent a good chunk of the second half driving around said robot. Serena even has a functional auto.
  • 2024 Updating (Me, Rowan): Some of the 2024 WPI and FRC stuff has working betas, so we downloaded them to some of the computers. Currently it is on 2, 4, 5, and 8.
  • Moirai Work (Xiaohan): Moirai has functional LEDs and a limelight.
  • Swerve Work (Rowan and Xiaohan): Rowan tried to get the offsets working on one of the swerve chassis, while Xaiohan worked on code.

This is more items than usual.

· One min read

This post is called vitory because we got 2nd place in Minne trials!

  • Robot work (David, Zack, Griffin, and Serena (kinda)): New progammers worked on making code for our Minne trials robot, Ryan. Griffin and Serena were succseful in this endeavor. I didn't feel like talking to mentors so I read up on what we were doing and tried to comprehend.
  • Swerve drive (Rowan, Xiohan, Augie): The goal today to debug and/or finish revolution code. The computer with the revolution code was left at someone's house so they worked on getting swerve into a single repository.

Newly learned fun facts about Act of Liam

  1. When excited he can jump up to 2 feet off the ground.
  2. When excited his face turns beet red.
  3. He is capable of cursing.
  4. He doesn't listen to Clover.

· One min read
  • Limelight Work (Augie, Xiohan, Act of Liam): We tried to get a limelight to functional. We had to flash it and then get the casing off to fix the fan. This took far longer than it should have.
  • Auto Code (Xiaohan, Rowan, Augie): These two have been building auto code for Minne trials. Modifiying last years swerve code to fit this year's needs. Meanwhile, I made an emergancy backup auto (with help from Xiaohan's ChatGPT skills).
  • Odometry Work (Act of Liam, Serena): They seem to be doing a lot of math and complicated stuff to get odometry working. Odometry is how the robot positions itself on the field, and is essential for autonomous. They have already called two people about math stuff.

Hello, as Augie's heir I must make something very clear. " " I'm sorry you can't see it it's clear.

· One min read

Headache too bad for funny.

  • Minne Trials Update (Xiaohan, Act of Liam, and I): The Robot is working now. We got the escalator working, and spent a while trying to get the wheels to cooperate. I spent half of the time standing around looking pretty because I didn't know what to do and other people were on the computer that was hooked up to the robot. This is not a good thing.
  • New Students Update (New Students): They are working on sequential command groups. This will become important when they start doing autonomous programs.

· One min read

It's the week of Thanksgiving, that lovely time of year where we meet our relatives, eat lots of food, and argue with said relatives about politics and said food. Avalon got the whole week off (ish, today and yesterday were flex/conference days), Great River gets the next three days off, and Robotics ceases for nothing.

  • Elevator Update (Rowan and I): A final draft of workable elevator code was created, with PID tuning to keep it upright.
  • PID Stuff (Xiaohan): Xiaohan learned PID stuff.
  • New Student Upate (Griffin, Zack, Davie): They were working on learning how to make joysticks work with motors.
  • Revolution Updates (Rowan):Firmware and software were updated. For the record, Revolution is the name of an old robot we are refitting because we think some of our work on it could be adapted to this year's game, based on the shooter/stacker game alternation. We are not actually fermenting revolution against the State of Minnesota or the United States of America. Please do not arrest us over our robot name. Happy Thanksgiving.